Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

Tinkering Won't Get You Where You Want to Go



Tinkering with making your own gear is interesting and it can be fun, but after spending a few years messing around with trying to squeeze every single penny out of my gear by making my own stuff all the time. I'd spend 3 or 4 hours making something to save $25, which comes out to like $8/hr. I don't know about you, but my practice time is worth a lot more to me than $8 an hour.  I don't think there's anything wrong with tinkering, but I think if you're a normal person with a family, job, part time job on top of your full time job, your practice time is limited. You need to make a decision whether or not to be a tinkerer or someone who wants to get better. If you're trying to get better, you'll be better served by just buying some gear that's good enough, and practicing.  The News USPSA has approved Pistol Caliber Carbine as a provisional division for all levels of competition. I'm still really skeptical about having people shooting rifles at a pistol match, but we'll see I guess. Ben and I also talked about