Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

Stop wasting your time on stuff that doesn't matter



Ever see the guys at a match who have the well rehearsed "tactical kata" but can't really shoot that well? What about the guy that tells you X product is better than Y because it has *more* features, even if those features aren't useful. What about the guys who buy a crappy gun, and then spend the next years trying to make it better, instead of just saving up for something that doesn't suck. All these people are wasting time on stuff that doesn't matter. If you want to get better, stop wasting your time, streamline, and get better. The News A Johnston county, NC school opened an indoor shooting range (for JROTC students to shoot pellet guns). Even though it's pellet guns, I think this is awesome. A DC police officer was instructed to walk into roll call with an unloaded pistol , and dryfire it pointed at another officer as part of a training exercise. This is frighteningly stupid. I can't believe it happened, and I can't believe he wasn't shot by all of the other officers in the room. CALM DOWN INTERNET! Have