Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

Performance Time vs. Learning Time



I kind of ripped this topic off of something I heard my wife talk about in a speech she was preparing a couple weeks ago. She's a teacher and was talking about the difference between learning time and performance time with kids in school, and as soon as I heard it, I started wondering if this was something I should think more about in my practice as well. I've been trying the whole "get bored and let your body find the fastest way to do things" thing for a while, and I feel like I've kind of hit a block with that, so I'm going to try having deliberate learning time, and performance time in my practice. What do you think?   The Blue Bullets If you're a competitive shooter, or someone who trains a lot, you probably complain about the price of bullets. I've been loading The Blue Bullets since before they were a sponsor of the show, and they're just fantastic. They're coated lead bullets, and they're as accurate as anything else I've tried, they're some of the lowest priced bullets I've ever seen, and they're mad