

Back in July I shot several matches, and it seemed like at every match I was having to DQ people for safety violations. After the last match where a shooter reacted unpredictably after the disqualification, I decided to take a break for a little while.  A couple weeks went by, and I decided to just make this break my yearly off season from shooting. I started doing some Google searches from about taking an off season, and things to do during the off season. I came across this post that I thought had some interesting steps to take that relate to shooters as well as other athletes.  I've been doing the video watching, as well as kind of doing the "strength" thing. I'm not working out, but I am getting back on the Paleo thing, which I've totally fallen off the wagon on the past couple months. After a few months of considering my options, I've decided that this week will be the last week of Q&A podcast. We originally started the Q&A podcast because we had run out of room in the main podcast to answer list