Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

Are You a Good Steward of the Second Amendment?



We're blessed in most of the US in regards to our rights, and with that blessing comes a large responsibility to secure it for future generations. I think one of the most important battles we fight in keeping our rights is the battle of public perception. I've talked extensively on the podcast and blog about how I've found just being a normal guy, who is open about guns tends to win the favor of most people when the topic comes up. People are quick to ask questions when you're just a normal guy who's not all "mah rights!" in their face all the time. Now, don't get me wrong, I love muh rights, but in the battle of public perception, it's seen as a bit of an extreme thing to lead with. If the conversation goes there, no worries, that's totally fine, but if someone asks you why you carry, and you respond "Because the 2A is my gun permit! They can take it from my cold dead hands!" you're not going to win them over to our side. Someone on the fence will put up a wall at that point. Here's some things you can do to