One Interview One World

Interview with Liesl Ulrich-Verderber, CEO of Ever Widening Circles - a positive global media company



Interview with CEO of Ever Widening Circles, Liesl Ulrich-VerderberEver Widening Circles is a global positive media company with 6 platforms created with the goal of proving that it is still an amazing world.  EWC's intention is simple: to celebrate the quiet wave of goodness and progress going on all around us that almost no one knows about and to open a new era for us all by changing the negative dialogue of our times.In this interview, Liesl shares about herself and how Ever Widening Circles works to bring positive media and education to the world. One of their media platforms is the EWC education platform. EWCed offers curated videos, text, and questions for learners and educators on many subjects. It is created to reach a diversity of learners with educational content that connects the information to the real world. She shares about The Conspiracy of Goodness Network, an inspiring platform to connect people working on solving the problems in the world today. You will learn about applying the 4 Shifts: Pa