Holistic Creators

YOGA: A powerful tool for navigating challenging times.



Megan Nolan helps heart centered entrepreneurs use their Yoga practice to fully embody their most confident, focused, and resilient selves so they can make the impact and income they are destined for.She is a personal trainer and yoga instructor with over 16 years of experience and is the creator of the Elevation Method which is her unique combination of Yoga, strength training, and neuro-hacking techniques that gets her students amazing results.www.YogaAtMyDesk.Yoga Grab the FREE 7 minute audio to HARDWIRE YOUR BRAIN FOR SUCCESS here: https://www.yogaatmydesk.yoga/elevate5 day WAKE THE WARRIOR WITHIN workshop series happening June 14-18th 2021https://www.yogaatmydesk.yoga/a/2147488089/UCxyJ8E8