Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Conspiracy Theories & Politics



Hey Fam, Let's face it...this has been a tough year. We have experienced so much this year and now this: Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President of the United States! NOOOOOOOOOO! Okay, back to reality. Oh, wait...that is the reality that we face. So, on this show, we invite you to take a look at what the RNC proposes to do. The platform is out there for all to see. We implore you to take some time and read it. Even if you have no desire to read the whole thing, read what applies to us as a community. They want to take it all back. Any progress that has been made regarding the LGBTQ community- gone. It does not matter what the Donald said about protecting us from terrorists...who will protect us from him? I know that we may have political differences within our community. That's normal. But letting this person and this party have control over us is suicide. We cannot afford to let it happen. This is not the time for cynicism or complacency. If we fail to vote, we have turned our present and our f