Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Maintaining Relationships



Family, Maintaining relationships when you are LGBTQ can be difficult. Many remain hidden and throw shade on those in the community who live openly and freely. Self-hatred in conjunction with religion has caused untold pain. We discuss this issue on the show. Fear causes us to do so many things including live in ways that contradict who we truly are. Some are so afraid that they will throw others under the bus to keep eyes off of them. It is impossible to even have a real relationship with people when you can't even be honest with yourself. Life requires relationships. Even if you are a loner, you still need relationships. It's ok to like your own company, but sometimes you need to hear another voice. As M.T. says, "There's joy in the struggle." The struggle helps to develop us and help us to become who we are." So at the end of the day - don't hate the struggle. Embrace it! With light & love...M.T. & SS