Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

The Sound of Our Frustration



Hey Fam, On this show we discussed the music of T.I. and Michael Jackson. As we listened to the songs we could not help but feel that there is a continuation from a song by N.W.A. Not the title but the content is the precursor to T.I.'s song "War Zone." The song is clearly saying what's going on is wrong. The video shows the roles reversed. How would white America feel if black cops were killing their loved ones and getting away with it? Yes, we hear people say that black people should not say anything until they get black on black crime under control. Well, to those people I say: Crime is crime. We are not foolish enough to think that it is not an issue in some black communities. However, that is not the issue. The issue is that black people are getting killed, often for no reason...by police officers and no one is paying for it. If you happen to watch Empire, you will get a glance at something that really happens to black people who live in areas where some people think that they shouldn't. There is anger a