Dod Secure

Spies, Courtrooms and Security Training



   Red Bike Publishing is pleased to announce the addition of training. We have created a training program that includes an Initial Security Training/Annual Awareness Training presentation and much more required by NISPOM. Instead of designing your own, just download and present these. You can even modify them (which we recommend) or tailor to your CDC business. Feel free to contact us for information on how to promote your business through our newsletter.     Jeff has made an online recorded version of the course NISPOM Fundamentals that he formerly taught at the University of Alabama Huntsville. He is available teach similar courses at your companies. Send an email to Red Bike Publishing offers generous royalties and are able to reach over 30,000 people through various magazines,, and other bookstores. Red Bike Publishing uses professional printing and distribute through Ingram, Baker and Taylor, Barnes and Noble and much more.Sometimes life imitates art. Just like