Bad Words Club

3.5 - Looking foward to the Poddies



Beedle-a-deedle-a-weeedle weeeeeeldeah-weeeee, ahba-weeeeeeeeedleadedlea deeeeee dallllla deeedleah de-weeeeeeble (ah) weeeeble (ah) deeeeble-a-wheeeeeb a weeeeebleadeeeebleah deeeeee buh buh buh-weeeeeedlea-deeeeeedleah (ah, ah) da-wheeeeeeeeblea debleah deee deee deeeeeeeblea wedle-edle-edle-edle aweeeeeebleadeeeeeeee badeeldleah-duh-whah whah wheeeeeedle a bedldldldldleeeblelelel (ah) bah-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Episodes discussed in this episode: The Slowest Pistol, Quest of Noon, The Unnatural Guitar.