Finding Mastery: Conversations With Michael Gervais

Keith Power: High Performance



Imagine working to optimize the human performance strategies and outcomes for an entire nation’s elite sport efforts. It’s challenging enough to do so for an elite sport franchise, let alone an entire country. In this conversation with Keith Power, he shares with us how he’s structuring his efforts on high performance for Malaysia. He provides insights on how to align groups of people to pull in one direction. He breaks down his understanding of the art and science of human optimization. Show Notes: 3:27: Growing up in London and how sport influenced his early life "My passion has always been trying to be the best I can possibly be" 5:51 8:15: Getting offered to coach bobsled for the UK and becoming youngest coach at Olympics 13:04: How to get an athlete to balance external motivation "I coached myself most of the time [since] I was 18 years old" 13:58 "I don't think it's about teaching, it's about creating an environment in which people can learn and can make good choices for themselves" 17:29 21:46: Why con