Finding Mastery: Conversations With Michael Gervais

Dave Phillips: Golf & Entreprenuership



One of the accelerants to growth is surrounding ourselves with people that have insight…..another accelerant is going down the path of developing insight within yourself. Dave Phillips has done, and is doing, both of those. He has devoted the past 25 years to becoming a world-class coach. He is one of the most sought after golf instructors in the country and is rated one of the Top 100 Teachers in the country by Golf Magazine. Show Notes: 6:45: Coming to America at a young age and quickly getting a passion for golf "I found my way... just by watching other players and trying and learning and going to different teachers and so on and so forth" 9:17 "The very best players in the world, they know what they're good at" 9:38 12:22: How he was able to fit in as the new kid all the time "The ones that succeed the best, especially under pressure, they tend to be able to separate themselves from their situation. It's almost like they've got an outer body experience, where they can see things from a higher perspective