Whiskey And Cigarettes Podcast

Ep #07 - Brad Galli



Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Episode 7 listeners! Zac and the Jakes welcome Brad Galli (comedian) to the studio and cover guilty music pleasures, the quarter life crisis, the continental breakfast at Holiday Inn, the "don't tell him" doctrine, how to spell "bradical", and escaping Todd Glass. This episode is brought to you by the Highland Tavern. This week's rundown: Penn's Sunday School 1/13 - 3:42 Fevers The Monday Morning Podcast 1/14 - 9:07 Owning a fast-food franchise. 13:33 Looking homeless. The Harland Highway #462 - 20:19 Picking the restaurant The Adam and Dr. Drew Show #8 - 27:37 Ukulele vs giant guitar. Brad Galli interview: 35:37  You Made It Weird #117 - Todd Glass - 40:23 Introvert or extrovert? Doug Loves Movies 1/14 - Jeff Dye, Dave Shumka, BJ Shea, and Big Irish Jay Hollingsworth - 48:00 ABCDeez Nuts. 53:09 How Much Did This Shit Make? Cashing in with T.J. Miller #44 - 57:32 Tits, lips, or shits? 58:56 Worst way to catch your wife cheating? 1:02:04 Where would you rest your head for 15k? Wits 13