Dale Borglum With Healing At The Edge

Ep. 57 – Sitting with Spiritual Masters, ft. Chris Britt



Chris Britt returns for part two of a conversation asking Ram Dev about some of the remarkable teachers he has received wisdom from–Kalu Rinpoche, S.N. Goenka, H.H. the 16th Karmapa, Trungpa Rinpoche–as well as elucidate the intricacies and practicalities of vipassana practice.Chris Britt combines stories, humor, magic, mindfulness and embodiment techniques to help us navigate through these difficult times. He produced a documentary about the spiritual philosopher Alan Watts ("In the Way with Alan Watts") and was a joke and screenwriter for Mort Sahl and Robin Williams. Chris has shared his work with community organizations and companies such as Google and Hitachi Ventara. You can learn more at chrisbritt.com.