Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Why does it matter to you that God is watching over His Word?



God is watching over His Word! Why is that truth important to you? Does that truth change what you do and how you react to delayed victories? It was a revelation that God gave to Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, to help him fulfil his assignment. Without the confidence in that revelation. You need to grip this reality to help you fulfill your assignment too! Do you have some prayers that have not seen answered? Do you have a prodigal that you are desperate to see their life turned around? Searching for answers that you just can’t turn loose of because your heart just won’t let you? Do you have verses that you’ve clung to, but the enemy has whispered in your ear, “What’s the use?” Me too! I've had some things on my heart that I am absolutely desperate to see happen. But I’m telling you, I have some things that are just too precious to abandon. Do you have some things like that on your heart? Sometimes there's just no words that describe how desperately you want to see God intervene in the situation you are facin