Real Crime Profile

Episode 49: Talking Crime, Tech and APB



The RCP team are joined by special guest New York Times writer David Amsden. David wrote a fascinating article entitled 'Who Runs the Street of New Orleans' about how a rich entrepreneur persuaded the city to create his own high tech police force. This is being brought to life in a new Fox show called APB which premieres on February 6 at 9pm which the team will discuss next on Real Crime Profile #RealCrime #RealLife #RealCases New to Real Crime Profile? Never miss an episode by subscribing today at Thank you to our sponsors: Blue Apron - Get 3 meals free on your first order when you visit them here: – Get a 30-day subscription and a free book when you sign up here: Helix – Get $50 off any mattress when you visit them here: Zip Recruiter – Get a free trial membership and find out how to hire smarter here: We'd like to hear from you. Find us on Twitter @RealCri