Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Activating Your Higher Self: The Awakening Process



Your higher self is always connected to you in the higher realms. As you clear the lower energies by healing and moving through shadow work, you step more and more into that higher awareness. This practice is all about clearing the 3D noise and distractions so that you can align and channel the higher aspect of you that's always there to support you through your intuition.  If you're ready to activate your intuitive abilities and develop and deeper connection to your higher self check out my Higher Self Activation series starting 6/4/21! Click here to learn more and reserve your spot! https://hannahholladay.com/higher-self-activation-series/ If you want to book a 1 on 1 session email me at hholladay@gmail.com Be sure to follow me on social media on Instagram at @hannahlholladay and TikTok @hannahlholladay