3 Minutes With Kent

Make your DB schema as restrictive as possible for easier migrations



Hello there friends. Welcome to June I am thinking about Postgres and Prisma and that sort of thing a lot lately because I'm working on my website and doing that sort of thing and one tip that I have for you if you ever do database sort of things is try to make sorry to make your data as. As restrictive as possible. Early on as as you're trying to make things. So like make things if you're like, I don't know if there should be a required field or not make it required. If you're this is an enum but we could have this we could have a lot of different values for this potentially have the fewest number of values possible to get you to the next phase. The reason is because it's a lot easier to later do a migration.That expands the permissive venous of that schema than going the other direction because when you go the other direction, you have to find all of the data rows that don't go into the new schema and update those so that they they fit. So, for example, if you have a first name field and you decide to make