3 Minutes With Kent

performance.mark and performance.measure for improved DevTools profiling



https://stackoverflow.com/a/46780568/971592 Hello there friends. Sorry, it's been a little bit of a break but I was working on something and I wanted to measure how fast it was but yeah and so I'm gonna use the Chrome DevTools profiling performance tab to profile it. And it's always so frustrating to like try and find the part of the code that you're trying to profile in that flame graph. It's really kind of a confusing area. And I remembered that there's the performance mark API and so you have the ability to add your own custom timings and so,You can say okay here's the start of what I'm trying to measure and here's the end. And how long did all of that take? And you can do like performance down now console log in and then like compare and stuff. But I wanted to look at the flame graph. And so I it didn't work right away and I looked up and found a stack overflow post that showed exactly how to do this and so I'll link to that in the notes of this episode. But basically, it's a combination of the mark and m