Peer 2 Peer Real Estate's Podcast

Show 119: How to scale two multi-million dollar businesses with Jack Gibson



About Jack I knew from an early age that punching time clocks and working for someone else wasn’t enough for me, which is what drove me into building businesses myself and being my own boss. Living a healthy and active lifestyle has always been important to me, that’s why at the ripe ol’ age of 21, I built my first company that coached clients on effective nutrition and fitness strategies. I began to grow my team and recruited and hired an epic sales team to keep things running smoothly. I ran a successful multi-million dollar company before I was old enough to rent a car.As soon as I realized how profitable real estate investments could be, I bought my first home as an investment. One home quickly became five, and when those five were doing really well, I just couldn’t help but add more. I became obsessed with learning everything that I could about the business. Before I knew it, I had over 50 investment properties that were all performing well and the steady flow of passive income was proof of that. I was p