Grey Muzzle Geekery's Podcast

Episode 028: Slap Stick, Punch Down, Hammer on a Watermelon



Welcome to Episode 028 of the Grey Muzzle Geekery podcast for the week of August 19th, 2019!       This week, Dusty Red and Dustie White start off with this week's news, before diving into the topic of Comedians & Comedy! We start with the drama that surrounded 'Indy Fur Con' as we then talk about comedy and humor as an ever evolving medium. Hey! Wanna attend DRAGONFALL at Alliance: South Michigan? (Sept 13-15, 2019) Register. Be Part of the Story!Support us on Patreon!Watch us on Twitch!Subscribe to us on YouTube!     Like us on Facebook!         Follow us on Twitter!         Peek in on Instagram!       Chat with us on Discord!Email us on Gmail!     A special thanks to fellow Patreon member 'Pepper Coyote' for letting us use the song 'Drive' for our new intro theme! If you like what you heard, find more of his music here!