3 Minutes With Kent

Keep related utilities in a single file



Hello there friends, so I was thinking this morning about utilities and you know these little utility functions that we write and we put it in like a utils modular or something and sometimes when we're running these we want to split things out to make it just.Easier to manage or something and and it's just kind of a natural thing at least for me to want to split things out into individual files, so each utility is in its own file, you know, if it's just a single line or something. I typically just keep it on one but if it's kind of complicated or maybe there are group of utilities that make a lot of sense together. I just feel naturally inclined to move those into a separate file. But what I've found is in my experience is that you're often better off just leaving utilities all in the same file and thenMaybe using code comments or something to separate different parts of that file because what what I found happens over and over again is one utility depends on another and that utility depends on this other uti