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Hugh had a strong asthma attack right before recording and decided to soldier on and record.  Video here. Astronomer and best-selling author Hugh Ross travels the globe speaking on the compatibility of advancing scientific discoveries with the timeless truths of Christianity. His organization, Reasons to Believe, is dedicated to demonstrating, via a variety of resources and events, that science and biblical faith are allies, not enemies. 3:30 How Hugh Ross got started processing UFO reports.5:30 One per cent of UFO's sightings violating the laws of physics.8:55 Visting Alpha Centauri with hundreds of mini spacecraft.11:45 UFO controlled writing of a book (The Urantia Book).14:05 Did UFO's help the Egyptians built the pyramids and stone henge?17:30 Occult activity vs UFO sightings (Russia) and does Satan prefer unhealthy interest in him or disbelief 17:15 How not to be distracted by UFOs. Why are UFO's keeping pace with our technology? Is their science accurate and their stories consistent? How do we cope with