
Champions Remember Their Roots



Mental Toughness Secret #22 "We usually think of advice as something that someone tells us, but I learned my most valuable lessons in life by example, by watching people around me both when I was growing up and when I was trying to stay true, in my business career, to the values they taught me. Yet, if there is one piece of advice that has been important to me, it is "Always remember where you came from." - John J. Mack Professional performers start out as amateurs, just like everyone else, and they never forget it. Action Step For Today: Invest ten minutes today remembering your roots and what it took to get you where you are now. Write a note or place a call to someone who helped you along the way and thank him or her for what they did for you. Pay special attention to how taking these actions makes you feel. https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy