Talk Your Poly Off

Relationship Equity



Many of us grew up being told and believing that in order for things to be "fair" they needed to be equal. For those who are perhaps a little younger this reminds me of those participation trophies. However, as we've grown up, we've realized that not everyone needs the same things in life. While one person might need the validation of a participation trophy another person may need to be challenged and earn their 1st place ribbon. It's all based on individual circumstances. That's how equity in relationships works! One partner wont have the same needs, wants, or desires so dishing it out the same and treating all partners equally may not get you the desired result you thought you were working for and it may not make each partner happy. Tune in on your favorite podcast platform to listen in as Bella and Monsuta talk relationship equity this week!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please help us help others by hitting that "follow" or "subscribe" b