Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Stepping Outside The Programming to Lead With Your Autehntic Self



Stepping into your most authentic self is one of the most important things we can all be doing right now. As the collective evolution in consciousness is happening, we are shifting individually as well. Your evolution in consciousness is the self healing journey that involves you releasing the denser energies and layers such as fear, shame, guilt, scarcity, etc. and raising into higher states of consciousness and energies that are connected to unconditional love, compassion and unity. This journey brings you back to your most authentic and truest self and this is the energy that is most healing for the planet. If you want to book at 1 on 1 email me at: hholladay@gmail.com Follow for more support on TikTok (@hanholla) and Instagram (@hannahlholladay) For meditations follow my YouTube (Hannah Holladay)