3 Minutes With Kent

Cypress Driven Development for recording audio



Friends I'm out and about today so we might hear some like music in the background and stuff but yeah today I wanted to talk about cypress driven development. I was working on something that I'm working on for the new website where you can submit a recording of a question and then I'll be able to answer it's gonna be really cool but it's all like in browser recording stuff and lots of what I was testing was like required me to have to record something and then to continue on through the the work. Or the flow and that was super annoying to have to you know, make a change and then go through that whole flow again and so I was like, well, this is the perfect situation for cypress different driven development so I made like a I don't know ten lines cypress function or or test that went through that I did have to do a couple fancy things to make it so that cypress would accept a fake wave file as input which I made a maniacal laugh and I found online but uh, yeah, once I had that I'll set up it was really. Cool ev