Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

48 - The Top 5 Trading 'Psychologists'



So on the last episode, I had a fascinating discussion with Dr. Gary Dayton. Dr. Gary is a trader with a real-life earned doctor of psychology (Psy.D.) degree and a practicing psychologist specializing in trading psychology. And if you haven’t listened to it yet, I think it’s worth your time. But it got me thinking about trading psychology even more than before. The fact is, trading psychology is a hot topic in trading circles. Every trading coach, teacher, or mentor I’ve heard from deals with trading psychology. Though most trading coaches are not trained psychologists, most coaches see the value in trading psychology. It’s that important. So who are these trading psychologists – or those who practice trading psychology? And who are the best guys who teach psychology in trading? Brett Steenbarger Gary  Dayton Van K. Tharp Alexander Elder  Mark Douglas