Go Fact Yourself

Ep. 45: Peter Sagal & Rebecca Makkai



It’s another helping of Go Fact Yourself in Chicago, now more delicious and savory than ever! Peter Sagal is the host of the NPR program "Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!" But his experience with trivia shows goes all the way back to when he was a contestant on "Jeopardy"… and quickly found himself in the negative dollars. That doesn’t mean he’s bad at trivia; he’s just bad at pressing buttons. He’ll tell us about that and why he’s so dedicated to disrupting the narrative of Chicago deep-dish pizza. Opposite Peter is author Rebecca Makkai. Her book The Great Believers earned her the distinction of being a finalist for the Pulitzer prize. It’s a truly special accomplishment -- but she had an even bigger dream as a child: teaching dogs how to talk. The guests will discuss the local food scene, whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich and, yes, a lot of discussion about the windy city. What’s the Difference: The Windy City What’s the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon? What’s the difference between a tornado w