Go Fact Yourself

Ep. 52: Jamie Loftus & Craig Shoemaker



Click your heels three times and remember there’s no place like home: "Go Fact Yourself" is officially the greatest trivia show on ice! Jamie Loftus is a comedian and a host of "The Bechdel Cast" podcast. Her show is all about analyzing film from a feminist perspective. One movie that holds up surprisingly well under such scrutiny? Alien! She’ll explain. Plus, she’ll discuss what gives her a special edge in this trivia contest: her certification as a Mensa Genius. Jamie’s upcoming appearances can be found on her website. Jamie will compete against her fellow comedian and feminist Craig Shoemaker. He describes his work as “comedy for the soul.” That’s not just a pun on his name; He’ll tell us about how his work has actually helped people in real life. He also has a number of personal aspirations as well, including to sing Les Miserables on Broadway. You can hear Craig on his podcast "Can I Help You?" The topics discussed include classic movies, ice rinks and the power of love. What’s the Difference: Music hist