Roman Catholic Diocese Of St. Petersburg

Families Are Welcome



Families Are WelcomeSaturday evenings and Sundays are traditionally the times for worship for Catholic Christians around the world.  We read in Exodus chapter 20: “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”.  For some of us, especially those with families, we might find it difficult to get the kids dressed and fed, get ourselves ready and get out the door to make it to church on time.  But most often, families that pray together, stay together. The Mass is the most impactful prayer we have! It may take practice for children to learn to appreciate the beauty of the Mass, but all that is worthwhile takes time. Coming to Mass as a family helps us to grow in the virtues we need for patience, love and forgiveness by growing closer to the one who is perfect in patience, love and forgiveness-Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus, who welcomes you with open arms. To learn more, visit