Roman Catholic Diocese Of St. Petersburg

Holy Water



Holy WaterAs you enter a church for Mass, you will probably encounter a font or bowl near the door.  Most of the time it contains holy water, which has been blessed by a priest or deacon.  It is there to remind us of our baptism, the first Sacrament of the Church, where we became children of God and members of the Church.  This holy water also reminds us that it was through baptism we were cleansed of Original Sin and have been joined to Jesus Christ in his dying and rising. When we enter the church, it is customary to place a finger or two into the font and make the Sign of the Cross as a reminder of the cross of salvation that was once traced upon your forehead at baptism.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus, who welcomes you with open arms. To learn more, visit