Roman Catholic Diocese Of St. Petersburg

Reverence for the Lord



Reverence for the LordWhen meeting someone for the first time, we generally smile, shake hands, or give a polite nod as a sign of respect and greeting.  How do we greet Jesus when we arrive at church or approach the altar?  Before we find a place to sit in church, we typically bow in reverence to the altar.  The same reverence is shown at the end of Mass, before we leave the church.  When we come before the tabernacle, the sacred place where Jesus is present in the Eucharist, we genuflect, bending one knee to the ground, if possible.  You’ll know that Jesus is present if you see a lighted red candle near the tabernacle.   Just before receiving the Eucharist, we show our deep reverence for the Lord by bowing from the waist, and then extend our hands to receive the Body of Christ.   It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away.  You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus who welcomes you with open arms.  To learn more, visit