Roman Catholic Diocese Of St. Petersburg

Sign of the Cross



Sign of the CrossCatholic worship involves using motions or gestures so that we can express our love for the Lord with our whole selves, mind, spirit and body.  One gesture is making the Sign of the Cross when entering the church and at the beginning and end of prayers.  This sign has been used since the early years of the Church.  We believe that God is three persons, but one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  When we enter a prayerful state, it is customary to make the Sign of the Cross upon ourselves, saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”  As we say these words, we take our right hand, touch our forehead, then just below the center of our chest, then to our left shoulder, then right.  We don’t rush this motion, but instead are mindful of the incredible gift of addressing our God with reverence and awe.  We also conclude our prayer in the same fashion.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus, who welcomes you