Roman Catholic Diocese Of St. Petersburg

Entrance Hymn



The Entrance HymnAll Masses begin with an entrance hymn or a chant, which sets the tone and spirit of the celebration that is about to take place.  It is sometimes known as the “gathering hymn,” because we gather as a community by first lifting up our voices in song to the Lord.  The entrance hymn can be upbeat, or it might be more mediative.  Either way, it is meant to help us enter into the proper spirit for that day’s liturgy.  Most importantly, we are called to participate by singing with a spirit filled heart.  God did not bless everyone with a perfect voice, but gave us a voice nonetheless, so don’t let that hold you back from singing with love and joy in your heart.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus, who welcomes you with open arms.  To learn more, visit