
Champions Make 'Do or Die' Commitments



Mental Toughness Secret #14 "You cannot keep a committed person from success. Place stumbling blocks in his way, and he takes them for stepping stones, and on them, he will climb to greatness. Take away his money, and he makes spurs of his poverty to urge him on. The person who succeeds has a program; he fixes his course and adheres to it; he lays his plans and executes them; he goes straight to his goal. He is not pushed this side and that every time a difficulty is thrust in his way. If he can't get over it, he goes through it." - George Gilder Action Step For Today: Makes a list of the five most important things you are committed to in your life, and ask this critical thinking question: "Are my habits, actions, and behaviors congruent with my commitments?" https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy