
The World Class Is Consistently Great



Mental Toughness Secret #15 "Plenty of men can do good work for a spurt with immediate promotion in mind, but for promotion, you want a man in whom good work has become a habit." - Henry Doherty Action Step For Today: To gain mental clarity and focus, create a written version for your life. Imagine your life five to ten years in the future and list all you have done, accumulated and become during this time. Use the letter to a friend format that we use in our corporate Mental Toughness University program. Write a letter to a friend - real or imaginary- and date it from five to ten years in the future. Let your creative mind freewheel, without any thought of how you will achieve any of these things. Be sure to include as many details and as much emotion as possible. When you have a world-class vision for your life, you've taken the first step to world-class performance. World-Class Resource: Sign up for the Mental Toughness University one-day seminar and 12-month follow-up process. Learn more by visiting www.m