Seize Your Adventure

Amanda Plomp: I Am a Runner



DISCLAIMER: Please remember all stories presented reflect the personal experiences of contributors . We take no responsibility for individual decisions made with regards to adventure sports or medical conditions. For most people, the teenage years are a crucial period in finding out who we are. We try out lots of new things, we meet new people, we’re growing into new bodies and we’re starting to figure out the adult we will become. It is a period in our lives when we begin to define ourselves. So it’s a horrible irony that the teenage years are also a time that a lot of people start experiencing seizures.Today’s story comes from Amanda Plomp. Nowadays, Amanda defines herself as a runner, an athlete… and as an epileptic. But that wasn’t always the case. When Amanda started having seizures in her teens, it made her feel lost in her own body. Both the seizures and the medication she was prescribed to help stop them impacted on the activities that she enjoyed, and she hid her seizures from everyone, worried