Spotlight: The Allison H. Larsen Show

The Habitude Warrior



This episode features Erik Swanson, The Habitude Warrior, who transformed his own life and now is helping millions worldwide do the same through his conferences. The story of The Habitude Warrior dates back many, many years ago. It's a story of a child growing up with a mountain of dreams and visions. His eyes were open with desire of success and no fear of failure in sight! This child grew up and started allowing the outside world to enter his inside thoughts. He went into the 'real' world and started to buy into the thought patterns of adults and started slowly letting his dreams and visions seep into the back of his mind. Habits set in. The more these habits set in, the more his dreams and visions took a back seat.  Not settling to be average in the world, he set out to seek knowledge and wisdom. Surrounding himself with mentors such as these began a new way of life for him and the birth of the way of The Habitude Warrior. Seeing the need to instill new great habits!