Pain Waves

The SYMBIOME Project: Predicting and explaining recovery from musculoskeletal trauma



Musculoskeletal injuries – from car accidents, workplace injuries, sports injuries, and more – are a leading cause of chronic pain, with an estimated 15-50% of people reporting experiencing pain 12 months following a musculoskeletal injury.On this month’s episode of the Pain Waves podcast, we’re joined by two guests to learn more about the SYMBIOME Project. Dave Walton, Lead Researcher and Director of the Pain and Quality of Life Integrative Research Lab, tells us about the project, how it aims to predict and explain recovery from musculoskeletal trauma, as well as next steps in the project and what his hopes are for how the results of this research can inform positive change to the Canadian health care system. Curtis May, a person living with pain, shares his experiences with participating in this project and provides insight into why it’s important to include people with lived experience in research.Notes:- Musculoskeletal pain refers to pain originating in the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and/or join