Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 202. Susan McPherson: The Lost Art of Connecting



Susan McPherson is the author of a new book -- The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Relationships. In it she brings to bear 25+ years of experience in marketing, public relations, and communications.In this episode, Stew talks with Susan about the very best question to ask -- How can I help you? -- to build relationships of any kind, at work or elsewhere. They discuss the various types of communication modes and how they can be used effectively to strengthen bonds.  Susan describes and illustrates her systematic approach to building networks of support, what she calls the “gather, ask, do” method, demonstrating in this conversation how connection is her superpower.Here then is an invitation, a challenge, for you, once you’ve listened to the conversation. In an upcoming conversation today or tomorrow, lead with the magic question, “how can I help you?” and see what happens.  Share your reactions to this episode and ideas for future episodes with Stew by writi