Narrative Control

Narrative Control - Episode 74 - Hierarchies



Welcome back to Narrative Control, season 3. This season we’re taking calls from listeners and offering up what advice we can about their gaming conundrums. This week we talked to Austin Smith about hierarchies in game settings. Hosts: Sean Nittner, Eric Fattig, and Lenny Balsera Guest Caller: Austin Smith Length: 52:26 Show Notes [00:26] Introduction to the show. Brining back Austin Smith from Episode 70.[01:20] Austin’s games. Built into the game setting was a hierarchy. Problems presented by power.[03:24] Using hierarchy to reinforce an aspect of the setting. Embrace what it tells you about setting.[04:43] How we deal with question of hierarchy in fiction is very different from the way we deal with it in life.[07:25] If someone is pulling rank to get what they want, lots of other things have gone wrong.[08:21] Orders vs. strong personal convictions. Good hierarchy drama![09:10] When we talk about hierarchies in a RPG, we are most often talking about them as they are portrayed in fiction.[09:50] Authority a