Narrative Control

Narrative Control - Episode 76 - Talking Torches



Hi, welcome back to the show. This week I’m talking torches with Shaun Hayworth, Josh Curtis, and David Gallo. We discussed GMing and playing Torchbearer! Host: Sean Nittner Guest: Shaun Hayworth, Josh Curtis, and David Gallo Length: 1:35:16 [00:23] Intro to the show [01:36] Introducing the guests: Shaun Hayworth, Josh Curtis, and David Gallo [03:48] Keeping suspense in the game. Setting player expectations to expect and enjoy the grind. [09:40] The system is definitely a game. Keeping focus on fiction instead of the mechanics are driving play. [15:27] Signal to the GM that stakes aren’t high enough? Bigger rewards, more consequential actions. [17:03] Counterpoint. Putting constant pressure on the characters prevents the players from exploring other options (camp, town, pursuing belifs/goals). Deciding on how hard to push. [21:23] Reluctance to back down. Player skill to recognize when it’s time to cut losses and run? GM and Player skill. [27:38] Torchbearer teaches you how to play it, but there are some gr