3 Minutes With Kent

Trust the process



Hey folks, so today I want to talk about trust the process which I just barely looked up and apparently it's a slogan used by fans of the NBA's Philadelphia 76ers and now it's just everybody uses this and I use this and one of the things I think that I mentioned on three minutes with Kent months ago, when I started this new year one of my or my kind of goal or theme for the year was planning and the way that I executed that theme was I have a notebook and a pen that I keep in my pocket. And at the beginning of the day I'll just look at my calendar and the things that I'm I need to do or maybe at the end of the day for the day the next day and I write down a list of all the things I want to get accomplished and so far this year. I've done a really good job of keeping up with that process it's worked out pretty well. I had slipped up a couple times for like when we do spring break and stuff with the kids, but for the most part I've been doing this really well and it's worked out just phenomenally so I it's a pr