Wilde About Wellbeing

A Deep Dive Into the EARTH Element - How To Find Solid Ground



In the western world, we live in a culture that is deeply rooted with our five natural elements. The earth element is one of these and it has been present for all of human history. We stand on the ground which provides us with stability and support. We create structures out of concrete, brick or wood to protect ourselves from the weather outside while also providing us shelter and comfort inside. In essence, this episode will explore how the earth element shows up in our lives, and ways we can increase it.  If you're an earth sign, you might think you've heard all this before - BUT you need to listen, as maybe you've become TOO earth-bound in your behaviour. Find out the symptoms of that in today's episode!   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE!   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @mrsjessicawilde Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website