
FreshEd #203 – Higher Education Internationalization From A Spiritual Approach (Kalyani Unkule)



The COVID-19 pandemic has upended higher education internationalization. Many universities are worried the pandemic will cause a huge drop in international student enrollment and their associated fees, which account for a large part of many university budgets. My guest today, Kalyani Unkule, says the pandemic is an opportunity to re-think internationalization away from the short-term financial interests and homogenizing discourse of World-Class Universities towards an embrace of other ways of knowing where intercultural dialogue is possible. Kalyani Unkule is Associate Professor and Director of International Affairs and Global Initiatives at O.P. Jindal Global University, India, where she teaches international relations while researching and practicing higher education internationalization. She recently published Internationalizing the University: A Spiritual Approach. ‎ -- Get in touch! Twitter: @FreshEdpodcast Facebook: FreshEd Email: