3 Minutes With Kent

Should every site be an installable PWA?



Hey there friends, so I have a question somebody's asking on the KCD office hours channel in discord and I decided this is something that I can answer in the three minutes with Kent alright podcast, so the question is what are my thoughts on PWAs nowadays should all websites be PWAs are there const making your site's PWAs so in general or to be clear a PWA stands for progressive web application and normally when we're talking about this we're talking about something that can be like installed. You can have background notification like push notifications and stuff like that works offline, in fact Chrome recently started requiring or is going to require offline functionality to be present for your app to be installable as a PWA, so I have actually had my website installable as a PWA before and I've had a couple other a little apps or sites that I've made PWAs installable and it's kind of cool. I would caution people against just saying let's make everything a PWA because I have had some sad experiences with ser