Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 66 - Hobby Show - How To Forge Your Own Narrative



Welcome to the Ashes of the Imperium! In this episode Steve and listener Lee explore how he could shape and expand his new narrative project. With a lifelong love of Space Marines, Lee wants to take advantage of the expanding Crusade rules and create something unique for when lockdown is relaxed enough for him to get gaming with mates again. Lots of questions and options are discussed! Some questions are addressed in full, but some are deliberately left unanswered to help create story ideas for future games and even new units.  Could this approach help you and your new project? If it does then we'd love to hear from you and the story your telling. We are also collecting ideas for a future episode all about TERRAIN! Check out our recent Tweet here to make suggestions! Element Games Affiliate Link To support the show, please consider shopping at Element Games via the AOTI40k Affiliate Link. We receive a small commission based on your purchases, which doesn't cost you an extra penny! Chapter Master Valrak a